digital water curtains

Ocean Gallery USA Digital Water Curtains

Ocean gallery USA digital water curtains are dynamic information waterfalls, with a captivating sensory impact, that provides a unique way to display real-time information and deliver a stimulating consumer experience. Ocean Gallery USA’s proprietary computer system and software are able to synchronize electromagnetic valves expelling single water drops on demand, which result in a freely definable bit-map muster. To put it simply: text, logos, images, and patterns can be seen in a stunning formation of cascading water droplets. A catch basin and pump allow for the recycling of the water for minimum usage of this resource.

We manufacture the units custom-made for each customer in size, shape, and water pixel resolution. Each unit essentially consists of:


Smart Design and compact system, assembled in a customized aluminum truss structure, integrating: Pipes, fast speed high-quality valves, brass nozzles, RGB LED lights, control electronics, and motion detection sensors (optional).
Controlidor Master Controller electric board, integrating: Panel PC with Controlidor Software, 15” touchscreen, power switches, VFD pump control, filtration system control, WiFi router.

The digital rain curtain can be manufactured in all kinds of shapes: multi-layer, waves, random, circular, rectangular, architectural spaces, 3D, etc. The DWS’s size can be customized to fit any architecture project, adapting its structure and shape to blend in with its surroundings.

Controlidor Software is the most powerful and reliable software for Digital Water systems. It has a customized design and user-friendly interface to control all the installation equipment in a fully automatic way.

    • Users can easily design their own content by using our graphical interface.
    • Basic library includes many graphics, texts, and water patterns.
    • Editable agenda to customize daily schedule.
    • The Digital Water Curtain can change colors, patterns, and shapes automatically or dance to the rhythm of any music played.
    • Controlidor also allows users to interact with the curtain using their smartphones, tablets, etc.
    • Remote control over the internet or local network.
    • Periodical updates and online service included.